Wednesday, January 23, 2008

thoughts from today

1. I don't like excessive psychoanalysis of literary characters who really don't deserve such mutilation of their character.

2. Shuttles are great when it's cold outside. Public libraries are even better.

3. Food that I don't have to cook is good, especially when you can eat it with other people.

4. The only solution to lots of reading is lots of reading.

5. Trying to reconcile my past with the present, as with my understanding of the Christian life, is often undesirably tiresome and repetitious in nature.

6. Chopin's Scherzo No. 1 will be a nice senior year piece.

Friday, January 18, 2008

A Thought During Chinese Class

One of new vocab words for Chinese today was "tian-zhen" or innocence. We spent a good 20 minutes discussing if children were really innocent.

What I wonder is, in the strictest sense, there really a difference between innocence and ignorance?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blogs and Classes and Cold

blogs can be like a special letter to an close friend.
And that close friend is, quite simply, everyone.

Classes so far this semester seem to be shaping up:

Science of Sleep
Chinese III (Yeah, interchangeable section times)
Issues in the History of American Medicine
19th century Russian Novel (Writing Intensive and, imho, Reading intensive)
Problems in Philosophy (eww...sacrifices must be made)

Currently: on the butt end of St. Louis schizophrenic weather