Friday, June 27, 2008

More Working Stories

Today, I hung out after work at a co-worker's place with a couple of fellow employees. I forget how foreign I am to these types of "parties." KC cooked up some pretty good food, and, of course, there was plenty of alcohol (margaritas and beer). I don't/can't drink very much, and I certainly don't enjoy feeling drunk. I did try a margarita, all the while remembering how I have very little tolerance for the taste of alcohol, even if the drink is pretty fruity. Still, I had no problem hanging out with the guys until the fun started gravitating towards viewing each other's pictures of girls that they had met at clubs. All of us are single so it wasn't that surprising but there's a certain objectification of women that happens when guys get together to salivate over a woman's cute ass.

The experience reminded me of high school and even college when I would find myself at these parties when, due to the nature of the festivities, I felt out of place. I don't necessarily feel compelled to be at these types of functions, but I also realize that, sadly, this is how many people have fun. It reminds of how hollow this type of partying is but also gives me the opportunity to learn more about people, even if they aren't altogether with it.

I ended up leaving early. I hope to spend more time with these guys and hopefully, we won't always be doing the same thing.

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