Friday, March 13, 2009

a rarity in the lecture hall

Recently, my histology professor made a comment during class for which, if I hadn't been so startled that he made it, I would have applauded. The lecture dealt with the reproductive system (testis, vagina, etc.) and he was talking about the increasingly strange cases that he had seen over the years as a pathologist. He said that we should be more concerned about all the different chemicals and substances being used in industry (food, specifically) which are absorbed into our tissues than about global warming. And on days where temperatures are hitting in the low teens in mid-March, I think I'd have to agree.

But still, whatever was in that Italian sausage that I had today was pretty tasty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is an interesting thought. that's something that's particularly difficult to reconcile working in the power industry, especially with the prospect of heavier/stricter environmental standards and the inevitable financial burden that will put on power companies and (even more inevitably) their customers. i feel a bit torn, since i'm not one who thinks global warming is a junk idea like many of my colleagues, but now that i'm here in the power industry, i know (and apparently people outside of the industry have no idea? that doesn't make sense, but it appears to be the case) that it simply isn't as easy as saying "you gotta stop using coal"... it's a weird place to be.