Monday, March 23, 2009

Jumbled thoughts

The following is a series of thoughts that could have each been blog posts in its own regard, but because of the quantity of them, never made it out at their full weight (think Octamom).

1. Why do people have one month or two month or three month parties for their babies when the majority of the time consists of trying console a crying baby who is terrified at encountering 10 to 20x the number of people that he/she is used to seeing?

2. When Christians talk about being encouraged by someone else's testimony, is it because they believe the person who is telling it or is it because the message, regardless of whether the teller is credible, in and of itself speaks to a truth that is undeniable?

3. It seems like it's easier to get upset at the companies that continue to abuse taxpayer money for bonuses than it is to point the finger to the administration that keeps feeding money to these same companies in the first place. Perhaps, even more difficult is to point the money to the millions of Americans who decided that they needed a house when, in actuality, they were in no position to buy one in the first place. My guess is that it's not good for the party.

4. Why haven't the Bulls gotten rid of Joakim Noah, Ben Gordon, and just about everyone else on the team outside of Derrick Rose (and perhaps Brad Miller/John Salmons)? I hope that the Bulls are a lottery team this year because they would be wasting their time getting the butts swept by Lebron (and yes, I only say Lebron because he IS the team).

1 comment:

Mike M said...

i'm still a little skeptical of derrick rose - mainly his defense, and mostly i think the offense needs to have a little more movement for him to be truly effective. i say give tyrus thomas one more year - he shows flashes of being good and seems to mesh pretty well w/ rose. keep salmons and miller - i agree. i wish hinrich's contract was smaller cuz he'd make a really good backup 1/2 guard if he wanted to stay w/ the bulls, but it's all about the money i guess.

i don't think we need gordon and deng, but no one will take deng's $70 mil contract.

i'd say make a run for chris bosh. imagine: rose, salmons, deng, tyrus, bosh starting 5 would be interesting. but i doubt that would work out financially.

but maybe i have no idea what i'm talking about.