Monday, February 23, 2009

Soup ponderings

As we are cleaning up, Jeff asks me to help him move some soup containers from the fridge upstairs to the freezer downstairs. This week's variety comes in two sorts: clam chowder and beef and veggie. The soup is partitioned in gallon containers that used to hold ice cream so it's only fitting that these containers return to their old home bearing new substance. The clam chowder is no stranger to me. It was I who portioned it out in the first place. The beef veggie was someone else's doing. I eye it suspiciously, if only because some of it sits lazily in a Ziploc bag.

Jeff cracks open the freezer. It is full with all sorts of goodies. One of these goodies includes a bag of pork bones labeled from February 2008. Jeff recognizes the handwriting as his own and wonders aloud why exactly he had thought it fitting to store such a commodity in the first place. Soup, of course, it had been kept for a future soup, a soup that was never realized.

And then, there's the issue of vacancy. As I stand there, Meijer ice cream gallon containers in hand, Jeff continues,

"Hm...and so we are left to ponder what is to be done with this soup."

His thoughtful assessment elicits my laughter. Simple moments like this, seemingly frivolous , are priceless.

1 comment:

Mike M said...

he was definitely bigger than me...but then again that's not saying much...

i'm not even sure what's in my freezer.